Nollywood actor Baba Tee, also known as Babatunde Bernard, recently expressed his belief that infidelity is inevitable for men, citing it as inherent to their nature. In a podcast interview on The Honest Bunch, he discussed his personal experiences, including a revelation about his first wife’s physical assault. According to him, a man’s focus on his wife persists even during extramarital affairs.
Baba Tee suggested that cheating is almost second nature to men, unless a woman opts to marry an AI and relinquish control. Responding to Nedu Wazobia’s inquiry about a woman’s attempts to make a man faithful, Baba Tee implied that she might end up alone if she persists in seeking fidelity.
The actor’s comments sparked mixed reactions.
Check out some reactions below
Verified homie said: “Normal level for me and my friends. I cheat but I still love my wife infact I don’t joke with her”
capreneur noted: “I’m a man and I disagree with this statement… believe me or not, l’ve never cheated in a relationship before… I’m not handicap or not sexually attractive…I’m just disciplined”
miz_hope_adagold said: “That last word, she wants to leave alone for the rest of her life 😩😩. Much love babatee, words 💥💥💥”
iceangel_262 wrote: “Hmmmm cheating still remain a dealbreaker for me”