Tragedy struck on Wednesday when a passenger train crushed a middle-aged woman at Oshodi in Lagos. The woman according to eyewitness was trying to avoid a puddle of water beside the rail tracks when the incident happened at about 7:15 a.m.
“The woman was trying to avoid muddy water along the tracks when the Ijoko-Apapa passenger’s train crushed her to death.
“The woman instead of jumping into the muddy water was trying to avoid it and the fast moving train dragged her under.
“It was like a magic. It was like a movie. The train dragged her underneath and it was so fast for comprehension.
“In fact, her blood splintered on some passers-by who were also waiting patiently along the tracks for the fast moving train to pass before moving.
“Worst still, the train did not stop but dragged her body for about one kilometer thereby mutilating the body,” the witness said.
Many of the passers-by were seen wailing on seeing the mutilated body of the woman.
“This is not the first time this kind of accident is happening, it has become an everyday accident,” Mrs Ronke Adelagun, a passenger said.
“Many people are unaware of train movement in Lagos, so they cross the tracks indiscriminately,” Oguma said.
Ademuyiwa Adekanbi, the Lagos District Public Relations Officer of the Railways, described the incident as unfortunate.
He said that corporation had embarked on series of campaigns against indiscriminate crossings of train tracks.