While it’s true that life comes with it’s up and downs, no matter what life may bring- there are a few things happy people don’t ever do.
1. They don’t compare: Looking at what others have is a recipe for disaster. Because no matter what, someone will always be smarter, better-looking, richer, more successful, or better-liked than you. Living your life always looking out will prevent you from seeing what God is doing in your life.
2. They don’t complain: No matter what is going on in their lives, happy people don’t complain. They have a realistic awareness of hardships, but they never, EVER fixate on those things. Whether it be as insignificant as the weather, they don’t allow their mouth to utter words of negativity about the world around them, because they know that what comes out of their mouth is always a reflection of what is going on inside of their hearts. Your mouth is a powerful instrument, be sure to use it to speak good things. When the enemy tempts you to dwell on all that you don’t have…defeat him, by praising God for all that He’s given.
3. They don’t compete: Happy people don’t live their life with others as their measuring stick. They don’t compete in an effort to get ahead, or be the best, because their value is not rooted in how others are doing, but rather, on what God says. Those who are in constant competition with others find themselves on an emotional roller-coaster, sometimes getting ahead, sometimes falling behind. Happy people root their value in Christ. And that is a value unchanging.
4. They don’t control: Because of my “control-freak” tendencies, I have a prayer hanging above my sink that reads: “Lord, grant me the peace to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”. Happy people understand that some things in life cannot be controlled, and they learn to let go of those things. But here’s the thing about letting go, it only becomes a reality when we grasp the truth that the moment we let go, Someone greater takes control.
5. They don’t criticize: It’s true that the people who put others down the most, are the ones who are struggling the most within themselves. Happy people can easily find the good in others, and can just as easily find it in themselves.
Yes! Yes!!Yes!!!