A 62-year-old teacher, sought medical help after two students put rat poison in her water bottle on Monday.
The teacher who was poisoned by her students Monday is well enough to get out of bed, but said she’s ill and badly rattled because of the incident.
Two vicious schoolboys put rat poison in teacher Johanna Cherepany’s water bottle during class at Public School 315, prompting the fourth-grade teacher to seek medical help for stomach pains.
The longtime instructor still is out sick. On Thursday she emerged from the Gravesend home she shares with her grown son and her husband, who’s also a city teacher, looking frail and weak.
“I’m recovering,” said Cherepany with a grimace, as she painfully walked to a nearby pharmacy while being supported by her son. “I’m not able to talk right now.”
The poisoning has taken a great toll, said Cherepany’s husband, who declined to give his name. “She’s traumatized,” her husband said.
Cherepany wouldn’t say when she intends to return to work or whether she’s angry with the kids.
Education Department officials are investigating the incident. The kids are charged with attempted felony assault, reckless endangerment and criminal possession of a weapon.