Stories abound on contact lenses causing serious eye infections with some leading to blindness but most times, the infections come as a result of careless handling, here are safety tips to live by if you wear contacts.
A lot of people prefer to wear contact lens to glasses, some argue its because its less obvious they have eye problems while some people just reckon it’s way comfortable.
It’s however important to bear these safety tips in mind if you wear contacts to avoid eye infections and even more serious eye issue.
Before you touch your lenses , make sure you wash your hands. Always keep eye related materials in a clean place. Touching lenses with dirty hands can end up with serious infection which can even leave you blind.
If you are prone to allergies, be sure to change contact lenses often and clean them carefully and thoroughly.
Don’t forget eye drops. It’s impossible to see through dry lenses, and they really can stretch the eyeball. Use eye drops often, use the ones with antihistamine effect if you are allergic.
Wear lenses for the duration indicated on the contacts. If you have two weeks written for use on the pack for instance, stick to that. Any thing after the stipulated time could result in irritation and protein deposits which breeds germs.
When in the shower or swimming pool, take off your contacts, because silicon is a great absorbent and it could get easily infected by water or air.