Story of Amiyah Scott, boy turned girl
When searching for more information on Amiyahwe came across the same article on different sites. It talks about how Amiyah is a transgender. She is known for having relationships with famous men.
But not just men, “downlow” men. Which is a term that is used for men who mess with other men but hide it. She also is known for Ballroom dancing.
Amiyah talks about how when she was little she saw other girls hit puberty and she wanted to have what they had, female body parts and be like them. In Gendered Lives, by Dr. Julia T Wood she writes that, the social learning theory is a passive learning process by which individuals “learn to be masculine or feminine by imitating others and getting responses from others to their behaviors.” Passive learning process is when you learn how to be masculine or feminine by doing what you see other people do and their reactions they get back from it and that’s what she did. So she loves the woman she has become.
What a Strange world we live in; frm homosexuals, bestials, pedophiles 2 transgenders. The world is rily comin’ 2 an end.
Yep, your world! Go kill yourself!