E.B.O.L.A aka Eternal blessings of the Lord always. A bbm contact wished me that this morning and I have seen a similar tweet on twitter too. They said they are wishing you God’s blessing and are being creative with it. Let’s just say the recipient on twitter was not as nice as I was towards mine. It got me thinking all day. Now we are all familiar with the tendency for Nigerians to make everything a spiritual matter or just another avenue to express our sense and style of humor. Some are out rightly insensitive and some are damn funny. Despite the shocking irresponsibiliy of our government officials on every important matter that pertains us as a country and the shame that should follow, Nigerians have decided to make our president, his wife and every official in government a source of humor. It is almost like we wait for them to say/do something silly for us to mock. Its our nature, the way we survive hard times and move on despite challenges. Take away the Nigerian humor and our unique ability to see light in every dark situation and you have taken the essence of our being. It therefore didn’t come as a shock to me when the average reaction to a deadly disease I still haven’t come to terms with, changed from panic to spreading rumors/myths to halftruths to sarcastic, funny jokes and the spiritual among us decided to remind everyone of religion and its place in sickness. I have nothing against any of it. If you want to make jokes so you don’t jump everytime someone coughs around you, living in constant fear of death and its messenger (Ebola) please go ahead. If you believe in the resurrecting and healing power of God and his son, Jesus Christ please continue, I believe the blood of Jesus heals and saves too. If you believe performing ablution, praying and giving alms to the poor will give you blessings and protect you from Ebola, please continue because it is indeed God’s will you do all that. I have no problem with bathing with salt water (please don’t drink it it if you are hypertensive), eating bitterkola often, rubbing your body with shea butter or any other superstitious remedy you try if it gives you a feeling of being in control of the situation. Just please I beg of you fellow Nigerians, keep to the medical rules as well: Wash your hands very often, wear protective clothing around dead bodies or ill people, wash your food/meat/fruits properly before eating, avoid large gatherings for now, report any suspected case of Ebola to the nearest hospital but please send a message to the hospital ahead to prevent infecting others. Note the symptoms are somewhat like malaria symptoms at first. They are: fever, headache, joint pain, vomiting etc. The prognosis for this disease is very poor so while we joke, pray and send encouraging messages to build faith and chase fear, let’s also take this seriously and we will succeed in conquering Ebola. Heaven helps those who help themselves, trust me God loves those that have died from ebola too. Please endeavor to verify information before sending them so together we can curb the spread as well. God bless you. For more information please follow @EbolaAlert on twitter and visit www.ebolaalert.org .
Written by Ejura Yetunde Salihu ( @icyquin_MSC )