Those in long term relationships eventually do ask themselves if who they are with is the person they really want to spend the rest of their life with. Is the woman by my side really the one? If the lady by your side has these 7 qualities and personalities, then have it in mind that you’ve found the one.
1. She is smarter than you: when you’re looking for a partner in life, make sure she is smarter than you. A smart woman will protect you from dementia later in future. A smart partner will never stop challenging you intellectually.
2. She is honest: Of course no one is perfect and we get to make bad decisions and mistakes sometimes. This is why you need someone who can get you back on track and tell you when you’re wrong.
3. She has a positive outlook: negative people are toxic and bad for a healthy relationship. This is because we tend to take a negative character of people we spend most time with.
4. She compromises: There are points in your relationship where you and your partner tend to disagree. It is so normal and can never be skipped. But things can work out if only both partners are willing to compromise.
5. She laughs at your jokes: having partners who laughs at your jokes is more important to men than women. If you find such woman, do take very good care of her.
6. She has an open heart: Having a partner who shines in the public spotlight and can easily make herself heard in a group makes life a lot easier. People who are open-hearted, and share personal information are seen as attractive.
7. She supports your goals and pursues her own: Long ago, it is believed that men would prefer a weak woman as a wife. Most successful, well educated and high earning woman don’t marry as often as others. You should know that a strong woman by your side motivates you and won’t be dependent on you. She will definitely won’t need your constant validation, and you won’t have to worry about her.