Laila Charani, the Moroccan wife of politician Ned Nwoko, has ignited speculation about a possible pregnancy through a recent video she posted online. The socialite, who is married to billionaire politician Ned Nwoko, shared a captivating video on her official Instagram page. In the video, Laila showcased her elegance, donning different outfits as she joyfully walked around her surroundings. Accompanying the video was a brief caption where the billionaire wife expressed admiration for her own femininity.
“I am woman”.
Watch video HERE
Read some of their comments below:
“Your beauty is outstandingly beautiful and original, not artificial like others we know. At least you don’t need artificial beauty, filters, extreme face paint, or a photo shoot to stand out. You’re already outstanding, stunning, classy, and elegant.”
“Congratulations on your pregnancy.”
“The main wife of Ned .”
“Please get another pregnancy for your husband you are so beautiful.”
“Naturally endowed head, hair to toe. Keep that way please.”
“Stick with your own style my darling! stick with your originality.”
“You look elegant.”
“I see a little bunny Congratulations!”