There was drama on Thursday when a married vendor was detained in his love nest at Tagarika Flats after being caught red-handed between the sheets with another man’s wife.
Only identified as Zenzo, the vendor stays in the same neighbourhood and is alleged to have been enjoying quality time with the married woman identified as Karen.
The illicit affair came to light around mid morning when they were allegedly caught red-handed in Karen’s apartment at Block No. 57 Tagarika Flats in Mbare, Zimbabwe. The two were caught by Karen’s uncle, after receiving a tip-off from neighbours.
The uncle told our news crew that he could not believe his eyes when he entered Karen’s apartment only to find the cheaters busy as rabbits enjoying the juicy act. Karen was said to be married to Tafadzwa Zadzi who works in South Africa. And the couple’s sexual exploits came to light at the time when Zadzi was on his way back to South Africa.
“Karen jumped from the bed wearing almost nothing and when I raised my head, I saw Zenzo in bed before he hid behind the door. I asked them what they had been doing but no one answered me and I quickly called the other relatives. I then locked the door from outside and went to inform my relatives. By the time I returned to her place, there were hundreds of people demanding to see the two. Karen is married and I have been talking to her husband after incident,” said Musekiwa.
Karen showed no remorse as she boasted that there was nothing wrong in herself enjoying quality time with her married boyfriend. She even bragged to the news reporter that she was the one who invited Zenzo to her apartment for a one-night-stand. The mother of two also acknowledged having been married to Zadzi but insisted that there was nothing wrong in her seeing other men.
“I don’t see any reason why people should mob us here. This is not new and there is nothing with what I have done. I invited Zenzo here since we are in love. He is my boyfriend and we have been in love for the past four months. He has been coming here most of the times. Zenzo is my boyfriend, period! My neighbours are the ones who informed uncle Musekiwa because they are jealous of me after I started dating Zenzo who is rich.
“My uncle caused all this and I blame him for inviting all these people. He saw Zenzo in my apartment and we were not doing anything. We were just seated talking. The other reason why he had come to my place is that he wanted to give me money to buy groceries. It is true that I am married and these are my two daughters. The truth is that I separated with my husband some months back and afterwards I fell in love with Zenzo,” she said.
Asked whether she was aware that Zenzo was married or not, Karen said: “I know that he is married but I don’t normally fall in love with married men.”
During the melee, Zenzo tried to bolt away from the crowd but the angry mob pulled him back. In his defence, the married man said:
“Yes I have been having this illicit affair but I was not aware that she was married. I fact, she told me that she had parted ways with her husband. I am actually surprised to see people gathering here because I am a regular visitor here.”
He then took advantage of his giant stature to scare away hordes of people who had surrounded their love nest and jumped into a taxi, which whisked him away. But the drama was not yet over, as women from the neighbourhood stormed Karen’s apartment calling her all sorts of names.