You’re probably single because you unknowingly make dating mistakes that keep men from taking it to the next step with you. I once went on a date with a chick and she came an hour late, coupled with the lateness she was overly shy and quiet. It’s safe to say after the date i never called her back. I remember another one that happened too, we wen’t on a date and everything went nice and we kissed and the mouth odour was unbearable, didn’t call that one back too. She’d probably wonder why. That being said here are 6 very common dating mistakes women make that keep them from getting bae
1. GOING BACK TO THE DUDE WHO HURT YOU: If your partner plays you and shows you their true color then it’s time for you to keep it moving and not go back. They’re never going to change so you need to lose the hope that you have for them.
2. TEXTING YOUR EX WHEN DRUNK: If you wouldn’t do it when sober then don’t do it drunk. Its thirsty and we all got enough water to drink.
3. NOT DEFENDING YOURSELF: Because you have to be your #1,, it’s important to make your opinions heard and not let anyone mute your voice.
4. BECAUSE YOU’RE ALWAYS SETTLING: If you cant settle for the amount of money in your bank account then you shouldn’t settle for anyone else. Know your worth.
5. YOU ASSUME TOO MUCH: Dont be that person that just because your crush winked at you it automatically means the 2 of you are soulmates and running into the sunset together.
6. NOT BEING AND STAYING TRUE TO YOURSELF: Nobody should want to change you and you shouldnt change for anybody too. Dont be that person that switches it up for anyone because thats just not cute.