Justin Dean, a media personality, has shared more details about his ex-wife, Korra Obidi, and how she threatened to ruin his life and career before their divorce. Earlier, Justin had revealed evidence to prove that Korra had cheated on him while she was pregnant with their daughter. In a different video, he disclosed that Korra had outlined her plans to ruin his life before their divorce. She wanted to destroy his career and have his medical license revoked. Justin also claimed that she had attempted to persuade him to commit suicide and had taken out a life insurance policy on him, hoping to receive payment in the event of his death. When her attempts to get him to take his own life failed, she resorted to social media and mass hysteria to turn public opinion against him. The lies that have been proven false in court are still being circulated, leading to attacks on his business and personal life. View the video of his statement below.
Korra Obidi's Ex husband Justin Dean said his Ex-wife told him exactly what she's going to do before the divorce, that she's trying to destroy his life,by letting him signed for life insurance policy, so she can get paid, treated her with love and respect and i did everything to… pic.twitter.com/OJ27JzFoBQ
— X-Daily (@X_Dailly) April 17, 2024