Professional footballer Asisat Oshoala has announced her quest for two to three boyfriends, unveiling the criteria for potential suitors. Confirming her single status and expressing readiness to explore romantic connections, the Nigerian soccer player has decided to enter into relationships, especially during the festive month of December. Oshoala has specified her preference for tall, preferably dark-skinned men who are financially well-off. Notably, she envisions having one boyfriend abroad and two within Nigeria.
Asisat wrote:
“December don come oo….Abeg where dem dey apply for BF, I go need like 2 or 3 edakun see. 1 abroad , 2 for naija. Rich niggas only pis must be TALL too , preferably dark skin”
Read reactions below:
jboyrug said: “He pain me na the rich Nigga disqualify me ooo even the rich no one the poor if you get money come they follow poor girls na you Know ooo”
everythinganne_ said: “If agba baller dey find Boyfriend, who kon be me. Edakun any Tall dark kind guy?”
jully_mk wrote: “This lady is effortlessly funny”
omolade_junior wrote: “Go for dj chicken”
See her post below: