The faster and more intense a bout of exercise is the more I gravitate towards it.
Enter planking. You can even do this in your tiny studio apartment as it only takes a few minutes and it’s a core workout that also strengthens your arms, chest and butt. What a girl wants, what a girl needs? I think so.
The Challenge
So the boyfriend and I decided to do the following:
– 30 seconds of straight arm plank – Assume the push-up position and hold it.
– 30 seconds of elbow plank – Like above, but brace yourself on your forearms instead.
– 30 seconds of bridge plank – Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you and hands on the floor next to your bum. Lift hips to the ceiling.
– 30 seconds of side plank (15 seconds each side) – Lie on your side, bracing your torso on your flat forearm. Lift your hip to the ceiling.
Training Journal
Day 1:
The hard work started almost immediately. It took mere seconds for my arms to start shaking and after the second 30 seconds sweat was beading down my back.
Day 2:
Super apprehensive because I knew how hard it was going to be. This endeavour is going to be a bit harder than I originally thought it would be.
Day 3:
Woke up with slightly sore lats, but felt positive about it. If it’s a bit sore, it means it’s working, right?
Day 4:
The pain has arrived.
Day 5:
Went out for drinks after work, so did the routine after 2 martinis and 2 glasses of wine – was actually easier! Kept positions for 40 seconds. Think I have formulated a new plan – drunk planking!
Day 6:
Much regret, since while drunk planking is easier, hangover planking is Actual Hell. I was so dehydrated I didn’t even sweat. *rethinks life choices*
Day 7:
By now we are both steadier. Less shaking, less wobbling.
Day 8:
We decided to increase the time slightly. Which made me worry about our sanity. Now doing 40 second straight arm plank, 40 second elbow plank, 50 second bridge plank and 25 seconds on a side for the side planks. This adds up to almost three minutes.
Day 8:
Decided to do it first thing in the morning. Excellent plan – before you realise what you’re doing, you’re done.
Besides, morning workouts, while sometimes a bit tougher as the body is still stiff and cool after sleep, has many added BONUSES
According to a morning workout boosts your metabolism, and makes your body burn more calories during the day. This is called excess post exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC.
Apparently I am now a person who reads sites
Day 9:
Morning planks are a great idea since you don’t have the whole day to dread them. This morning, for the first time, bae turned to me and said: “That was pretty easy.”
Day 10:
We’ve decided to introduce push-ups and squats. I’ve never been a fan of push ups, simply because I can’t do them. Seriously, I have to do ladies push ups, and that just makes me feel bad about life. But maybe 10 days of planking has done the trick?
Day 11:
OMG! I did push ups. Real, army-like push ups. I am the strongest girl in the world! (Full disclosure: I did 4.)
Day 12:
Ow. Ow, ow, OW! My entire torso hurts. Push ups are hard. Thankfully the planks are not harder. Unfortunately, they are no easier either.
Day 13:
Busy, busy weekend has once again lead to drunk planking. I am beginning to see a pattern here. I am already dreading hungover planking.
Day 14:
Another miracle – I woke up completely hangover free! Has my alcohol tolerance decreased? Has my recovery time increased? Probably not, but I’m so relieved that I don’t want to examine it very closely. Left side plank is incredibly hard, but we’re clocking in on 3:15 overall time now.
Day 15:
Have decided to cut down on carbs. Not full Banting, but just saying no to the incredibly delicious R9 toasted cheese sandwiches at work. Beginning to feel all kinds of “body is a temple” vibes.
Day 16:
This doesn’t extend to wine though. Body is a temple that serves wine. Did 7 push ups tonight after we planked. (Btw – boyfriend wants me to add that he can do more than 7 push ups, but this is my journal, not his.)
Day 17:
Added a few variations to the routine. Take turns lifting your one arm and one leg. Pretty difficult, but you can actually feel your obliques working (those are the diagonal stomach muscles that help with balance and strength).
Day 18:
Am thinking of going back to gym. The three minute routine is great, but I am starting to want to do more. Wait, what? Is this the miracle I’ve been waiting for?
Day 19:
Did 1 minute straight arm plank, 40 seconds elbow plank, 1 minute bridge plank with variations (leg lifts), 35 seconds side plank (both sides) and TEN PUSH UPS.
Day 20:
FORGOT! Don’t know how we missed it, but we did. Resolved to do a double session tomorrow to make up for it.
Day 21:
Double session very hard, since we did the two sets straight after each other. But we did them.
Credits: W24