Kakkaki is an event that holds bi-annually. It is a cultural event usually scheduled for Independence Day and the maiden edition was held in 2012. This year’s event tagged “Shades of Culture II” took place on the 1st of October in 2014 at the serene Pat’s bar in Victoria Island. Kakkaki is organised by Visibility Events company and the purpose of the event is to showcase Nigeria’s culture and ethnic originality. It started out with a very unusual, but interesting mat carpet which served as a runway and interview location. This year, the cultural exploration involved a look at the marriage ceremonies of the Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo tribes of Nigeria.

Marcus, Irawo the Drumline, a guest and Tunde Afolabi, CEO Create Your World.

The event also featured various musical talents such as Ugonna, JStanley, and the Afro Jazz man, Femi Leye who happens to be as talented as he is cute. I was particularly wowed by the performance of Irawo the Drumline. She plays the talking drum, and she belted out a wonderful rendition of the National Anthem; and also accompanied the band (unprepared) to Ty Bello’s Greenland. All on the talking drum!