RUSSIAN thugs have attacked English and Welsh fans in Lille – just hours after UEFA threatened to ban their country from Euro 2016.
Chairs were launched and a footie supporter was pictured unconscious on the same day Russia was warned it faces being kicked out of the tournament if trouble erupted again.
England and Wales supporters teamed up after they were attacked by Russian thugs who tried to storm a bar.
Terrified witnesses said the gang shouted “We are Russians” before charging at fans outside the Taverne Flamende near Lille’s central station.
Brits hit back by launching chairs at the Ultras who were wearing black t-shirts and masks to hide their faces.
A supporter wearing a brown t-shirt and shorts was seen enjoying a quiet pint outside a bar before being knocked out cold.
He was dragged to safety while a mass brawl erupted outside.
Two Russians were arrested as riot cops moved in to break up the vicious brawl.
Some of the Russian thugs were caught with gum shields suggesting they had come ready to fight.