Our own Goldie Harvey is up for eviction this week.
We know a lot has been said about her. And Nigerian’s have expressed how disappointed they are.
A lot of comments have been made:
Some say she is an actor. While some say she is a total disgrace to the nation following her act when she broke up with Prezzo.
Another person said: So all the crazy Goldie, the Lady gaga wanna be. Is all an act, OR probably she has two sides. a dumb side and a crazy side. Saying he is very sure the dumb side was sent to the bigbrother house.
Nonetheless; she is still a Nigerian and our only representative in the house.
So. Are you going to vote to keep her in the House or do you think she’s had enough of Big Brother and it’s time for her to return home?
let her return home. in fact, let all the housemates go home, both upville and downville, and let the whole big brother stuff be scrapped. it’s not promoting any value. it’s rather adding to the moral decadence of the society.