A man cheating is one of the foremost issues in a relationship and has been the topic of multiple conversations.
But are there reasons why husbands (or boyfriends), can’t keep it in their pants? Here are 4 reasons.
1. He Is Immoral And Irresponsible: What’s worse about these types is that they don’t believe what they are doing is wrong. They have seen their friends do it, have witnessed their fathers do it, so they don’t see the big deal. They would be very blatant about it and if you confront them they would insult you or make you feel stupid. Pack your bags and leave because if you stay, you’ll be giving yourself a lifetime of heartache.
2. He Wants To Feel Like A Superstar: Most times, men cheating has nothing to do with the wives. These types just seek the novelty and variety that comes with having multiple s3xual partners.
They want to attract as much ladies as possible in other to validate their self worth.
If you fall in with this type of man, know that he may or may not snap out of this. It is left for you to discern and then decide.
3. You Are Not Good In Bed: A lot of men cheat because their partners are creative enough in bed and do they seek to find satisfaction elsewhere. Many men have left their very beautiful, very successful wives for that same reason. The beauty is usually neutralized by the woman’s incompetence or lack of adventure in bed.
4. You Have Nothing Else To Offer: If you have only your beauty and s3x to offer then sorry to say but you are not too much of a big deal.
Men can also be emotional beings capable of forming deep connections with women that transcend just s3x.
Are you a good conversationist? Are you intelligent? Do you have a good career or a job?
These are the questions you need to reflect on.